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Title Sponsor


Our highest level of sponsorship!

1 in stock


Our highest level of sponsorship, offering maximum visibility and exclusive branding opportunities.

As a Title Sponsor, you receive:

■ Mention in all media interviews (option to join) and stage announcements during the festival.

■ Facebook Live interview broadcast to our audience

■ Branding on all forums (i.e. Book Writing Forum Sponsored by Your Company)

■ Priority logo placement on all print ads promoting the Festival

■ Name on the cover and full page inside or back cover ad in the Festival program

■ Company logo on all event banners, all marketing materials, Festival program, email ad banner, and website

■ 2 Dedicated e-newsletter blasts

■ Company logo on and contribution to attendee swag bags

■ Complimentary 10’ x 10’ booth space, in the center of the Festival with table and 4 chairs